
The story of Moeder Babelutte (‘Ma Butterscotch’) dates back to 1850 when Rosalie Desmedt and her husband moved to the seaside town of Heist.

One day, Rosalie decided to try a recipe that she had learnt from her mother many years before: butterscotch! She wrapped the individual pieces of butterscotch in grease-proof paper and sold them to the children of the many wealthy English and French tourists who came to Heist to spend the summer.

Her butterscotch was an instant success and the children soon gave Rosalie the nickname 'Mère Babelutte' (‘Ma Butterscotch’).

Where to find us: 
Moeder Babelutte Heist - Graaf D'Ursellaan 6
Moeder Babelutte Knokke - Lippenslaan 220