Kunstgalerij De Mijlpaal

Zeedijk-Het Zoute 816
8300 Knokke-Heist
011 43 52 02
demijlpaal [at] skynet.be

Gallery "De Mijplaal" is situated on the fine line different styles and arts. In this way they prove, that because of between confrontation the borders between those styles fade away and that leaves room for very interesting dialogs to flourish.

Starting from the dialog between what the old and new was and what is. De Mijlpaal wants to continue on it's search for the interfaces between visual arts, photography, mode and design. Gallery De Mijpaal is a pioneer who try to bring young artists together with the already renowned artists.

It's not the first rodeo for gallery De Mijlpaal on multiple occasions in the past, they already hosted a wide range of projects with international artists at unique locations situated in Belgium and abroad.

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