Thanks to the use of child safety wristbands, you don't need to worry about your little ones in Knokke-Heist. Find a nice spot and fit your child with a wristband, which is available free of charge from lifeguards, beach first aid posts, deckchair suppliers and the Tourist Office (Zeedijk 660 & Pannenstraat 138).

Should your little one still get lost because of the many tempting activities on offer, call one of the following numbers:

T + 32 (0)50 619 619

First aid post Heldenplein
T +32(0)474 946 195
(15/06 > 16/09 and weekends from 8 May)

First aid post Duinbergenlaan
T +32 (0)478 804 848
(15/06 > 16/09)

First aid post Lentelaan
T +32(0)474 946 848
(01/07 > 31/08)

First aid post Zwaluwenlaan
T +32  (0)474 946 847
(15/06 > 16/09 and weekends from 8 May)

First aid post Lichttorenplein
T +32 (0)474 943 526
(15/06 > 16/09 and weekends from 8 May)

First aid post Het Zoute
T +32 (0)474 944 926
(15/06 > 16/09)