Finishers Triatlon

Zwembad Sportoase Duinenwater
Duinenwater 43
8300 Knokke-Heist
25.08.2024 - 09:30 > 17:30
€ 15,00

The Finishers Triathlon aims to introduce 550 participants aged 12 to 99 to triathlon on Sunday, August 25th. At the Finishers Triathlon, the three disciplines (swimming, cycling, and running) are completed consecutively. The challenge is to take on and complete it! Crossing the finish line is the only goal. There is only one thing that matters: participating! Winning is prohibited. Whether man or woman, slim or full-figured, young or experienced, it doesn't matter. Driven by the "Yes I can" mindset and the encouragement of the crowd, all participants experience the satisfaction after the effort time and time again.

Participants can choose between a 16th or an 8th triathlon.

Registration for the Finishers Triathlon is open until July 31st or until a category is full. So don't delay! Participating in the Finishers Triathlon costs €15.

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