Knokke Run

Burgemeester Graaf Leopold Lippenspark
Smedenstraat 93
8300 Knokke-Heist
01.05.2024 - 10:00 > 13:00
€ 13,00

On Monday 1 May, our shopping city will once again be bombed as a running city par excellence, with sporting challenges tailored to suit everyone.

Sporty kids between 6 and 12 years can shine in the Kids Run over 1.5 km. Accompanied by dressed-up staff, the children will experience the most fun one-and-a-half kilometres of their lives.

This will be followed by a jog over 6.5 km open to a wide audience.

Finally, the Knokke 10K and 21K will take off. This prestigious street run over 10 or 21 km passes some tourist attractions such as the Zeedijk, the Zoute and the Koningsbos.

This year there is also a 33km distance.

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