Heist viert Carnaval 2024

Centrumstraten Heist
Knokkestraat 22
8300 Knokke-Heist
11.02.2024 > 13.02.2024 - 11:00 > 22:00


Heist is the bustling heart of Carnival in Knokke-Heist. Numerous events and atmospheric spots guarantee a crazy masked party.

The big parade on Sunday and the illuminated evening parade on Tuesday show the creativity of the carnivalists at their best. To this day, there are still groups that design and realise costumes and float all by themselves. A work that takes months of voluntary work and usually has a wonderful show moment during the parades. As the processions have become the largest in the province, today numerous other associations from Belgium and the Netherlands participate in this festive event. It is a fantastic experience to see the procession pass through the cosy streets of Heist. Afterwards, you can go wild in the many cafés and party spots until the early hours.

Other events such as the Fairytale Day, the masked football match, the Children's Carnival Ball, the Class Parade and the appointment of Carnival Prince(s) ensure that there is something to do at any time during the 4-day event.

The full programme and all info can be found at heistviertcarnaval.be


Activity for kids